Sunday, January 27, 2013

My View

This is my view right now. I'm buried in boxes!  The movers come tomorrow with the truck to get all he boxes they packed. It is getting tiresome already. And today is the last day for me to use the washer and dryer so I'm having a laundry fest.

I'm on my phone as the computer us packed so bear with me!! 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Can we say "Why do these things happen when we move?"  Oh yes, the wonderful unexpected stress!

My daughter dislocated her knee yesterday doing cartwheels on the trampoline.  She landed on it wrong and right out of place it went.  I thought "Oh it will just hurt for a while and be sore but fine." -Because I have a "trick knee" and I thought it was just like that. In and out and sore but ok... Nope, it started swelling to the size of a large grapefruit.... and this is large on a tiny 14 year old girl with not an ounce of extra pounds on her! So to the ER we went...  she has damaged the tissue around it!  She is in a brace and on crutches for 4-6 weeks and I have to take her back to the Ortho. Doctor next week and then as soon as we get to Georgia for either physical therapy or God knows what if it doesn't seem to be healing the right way!  Luckily she is not in much constant pain, they gave her Tylenol with codeine and Motrin. She INSISTED on going to school today, the only child in the world who LOVES school and can not miss a day under any circumstances...according to her. The doctor said let her if she wants! Crazy child of mine!

I am trying to be calm!  But inside I am a mess!! Ugh!  I pray nothing else happens before we move! I should have known though.... something always goes awry at the best times!♥

(This is also posted on She's Mental!)

Monday, January 21, 2013


I don't think I have ever mentioned it before but, I can procrastinate! I'm kind of a "Pro"crastinator! Uh!  I do it for a few reasons, which don't really make all that much sense, but to me they do somehow!  If I put things off, then I am not presently worrying about them!  Funny huh, I like to worry last minute!  I can relax now, and just have to hustle for a day or two instead of drawing it out. I think this may come from my learned ability to block things out.  I have gained this talent though out the years as a protective mechanism.  But it can bite me in the butt sometimes....

So the things I NEED to do today:

1) Finish cleaning the camper.  We are staying in it until we find a home in Georgia.  It is not like actually "camping", it's like a mini home.  Just crowded!

2) Start packing the camper with the things we will need while we are not in a house. Things we don't want the movers to pack. Like clothes and ipad and stuff.

3) Take deep breaths and try not to procrastinate these few simple things I have set out for myself to do today!! --Like I am right now while writing this post!!

I crack myself up!

My home for the next few weeks! Eek!!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Snuggle Saturday

Today they are asking us to pick one historical figure you would like to have dinner with!  I LOVE this question!  It was so easy for me: Virginia Woolf!

If you know her story at all by reading her words or even watching The Hours, you know she was a remarkable woman.  A woman who was a literary genius and a woman who suffered with mental illness in a time when there were few answers or little if any real help. I relate to her struggle with mental illness. She did take her own life, which I am not condoning in any way shape or form. I am alluding to her deep moving words that I can so relate to. Her deep desire to live life without pain and to have others be able to live their lives to the fullest. Her ability to take the plight, if you will, of the ordinary woman of her time and put it to paper making her real and making her emotions felt by the reader. To me she was a remarkable woman who I would love to chat with.

These were her last written words.

I hope I have not offended anyone.  I have just struggled with mental illness, most of my entire life and I find an understanding in her words. I find a place of being understood. Does that make sense?

Friday, January 18, 2013

Versatile Blogger Award

Kim from the Happy Pretty Blog has nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award!  Thanks Kim!

Here are the rules:
1) Thank the person who gave you the award!
2) Include a link to their blog.
3) Select 15 blog you have discovered recently or follow regularly.
4) Nominate those bloggers for The Versatile Blogger Award and link back to yourself.
5) Tell us 7 things about yourself!

7 things about me...hum??

1) I have lived in five states in the last 20 years... about to be six when I get to GA! My husband is a Marine!
2) I drive a convertible VW Beetle that I love!! lol
3) I have a tennis shoe obsession-collection! Every beautiful color!
4) I love to thrift store shop.... and regular shop!!
5) I love my iced coffee everyday!!
6) One of my most favorite tv shows is The Big Bang Theory...I really laugh OUT loud!!
7) I am Bipolar 2!

Fridays Letters

Dear Time, I wish you would slow down just a tiny bit as this move is coming so fast and I am getting a bit stressy about it!  I have SO many things to do and it becomes a bit overwhelming at times!!

Dear California, mourning is starting!  I will miss you SO much.  It really is going to hurt to leave!  You have been a best friend to me with your sunny mornings and days!  San Diego has been the best city EVER to live in and I miss you before I am even gone!

Dear Georgia, Please don't let me down!  I want to like you, to love you, but it is kinda scary moving from such a beauty of a place.  I want you to be warm and welcoming and beautiful and kind to my family.

Dear Family, This could be our last move for quite a while!  I know it is a bundle of emotions thinking about moving.  But we will find new adventures and friends and be near family.  Lets do this together! ♥ you so much!

Thursday, January 17, 2013



This weeks themes: Growing, Making, Worrying, Dancing, Laughing!

Growing:  Restless!  I am getting restless with this move coming to a quick start in less than 2 weeks!  Where has time gone?  Why does it move so fast sometimes and so incredibly slow others??  

Making: Lists!  I have a thousand lists of everything I need to do to move. Packing, buying, trashing, donating, un-registering for, re-registering for....and it goes on.........

Worrying:  About everything!  What isn't there to worry about when you are moving?  But mostly I am worrying for my kids as we move, again... Being a military kid is hard!  You have to go with your family and start all over again, whether you want to or not! :(  It makes me sad for them, even though I know they are well adjusted and make friends easily!  My heart breaks for their heart breaks on moving. It could get teary really soon!

Dancing:  Happy dance!  I love to move to a new house!  Yes, I do! I love to decorate and buy and organize and rearrange and make things pretty!  It is exciting to me to get there and find a great place to live!

Laughing:  At my baby Niece who I will get to meet very soon!  As soon as we step off the plane in Atlanta! It's gonna be so sweet to see my daughter and her growing up and being around each other!  Nothing sweeter!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Some Of The Things I Will Miss In California

Of all the places I have lived before, which is quite a few, I will miss California... San Diego the most!!  Living here has really been a dream to me.  I just love it like no other!  I will cry for this place when we are boarding the plane to move.

If you have never been to Cali, you are truly missing out!  It has everything.  And I mean everything!  It has beaches, mountains, lakes, desert, farm land, flat land, everything!

Here are a few pictures that shows you what I will miss most!

The desert lands near Edwards AFB, CA.  Look at that view!  It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The desert is a magical place to live.

 Desert foliage.  The yellows will knock you over in the spring.  Who would have thought?

The windmills in the desert snow!  Yes, it snows in the desert sometimes!

Another view from atop the mountain.  The sky line is always amazing. Desert with mountains. Love!

San Diego Skyline from Coronado Island.

Camping at the beach!

  Mother in Law and daughter.


Farmers Market!

Beautiful Flowers!

Nice Fruit!

I really could go on and on!  There is SO much I love. I will have to write another blog post about it!  You might get sick of it! ♥

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday Mantras

One of my favorite blog links...Monday Mantras with A Cat Like Curiosity!  I love being inspired by all the things that inspire others!

Here are a few things I am feeling inspired by today!
State Charms!! Loving the California one front and center!  I want to order one for all the states we have lived in... FL, TN, NC, VA, CA.... So Cute!!

Infinity Scarves!!  I have recently acquired about 5!!  I can't help it...and really you can make any scarf into one if it's long enough by either tying it in a cute bow or sewing the ends together!

I am also finding tons of things on Pinterest..of course...that I want to do when I move!!  Love the colors and the "EAT" sign!  So easy and so cute!

  And a little love...♥

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Good Southern Things, Y'all

Things I am looking forward to moving back to the south: Everyone says Y'all and Fix-n to!

We will go to Flea Markets again, not Swap Meets!

BBQ! There is just no BBQ to compare to southern BBQ!

My family! I'll be living in the same city as my sister and niece, and my mom and dad and the rest of my in-laws will only be 3 hours away! Closest we have ever moved to them!

Next Post: Things I'll Miss About California! Wahh!

Sunday Social

Linking up with Neely at A Complete Waste of Makeup for the Sunday Social!

1) What is the name of you blog? How long have you been blogging? 
Well  the name of my blog is California Girl to Georgia Peach!  And I have been blogging at She's Mental for over a year, a blog about my mental illness, but this is my new blog about moving from CA to GA! Just started about a week ago on this one!

2) Why do you blog?
I started blogging to meet other people in a similar situation as me as far as being bipolar goes.  Now I am starting this blog to chronicle my move from Cali to Georgia.  Kind of a journal / blog.

3) What is the first blog you ever followed?
Um.... there are so many, I don't know if I can remember. I think it was my friend Tina's blog Bringing Along OCD.  It was the first time I saw I was not alone in my fight with Mental Illness.

4) What is your favorite post written in 2012? On this blog?? I started it in 2013 so it has to California Girl to Georgia Peach.  It made me realize the blog name I had originally picked was blah compared to this!

5) What are you blogging goals for 2013?
To write fun, funny, informative posts and pick up more followers!

6) Top 3 favorite blogs to follow?

Thanks for reading along!  I always check out your blog and follow back!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Lists... There's an app for that!

I have made a million lists since knowing we were going to move.  I can't stop and I can't seem to keep them all on one list in one place. I just start writing whenever I feel the urge, knowing there are more things to add to some list somewhere!  So I decided to google  "list maker" and this is what I found!

An app for my android phone... Astrid!  Right now I am using the free version, but I love it so far. It is so easy to make and keep and add on to any list I could ever dream of making. And I always have my phone with me so it's always with me!  It has a reminder option, and if your loved ones or friends get the app you can share lists and tasks and be notified when something is done! How did I not ever find this app before. I think I'm in love!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Add to the List!

There are a hundred things I think of everyday that I need or want to do before the move.  The moving inspector guy came yesterday and went though the house to get an approximate load size and value. In the process he added things I need to before they get here to pack.

1) Take everything off the walls.
2) Take down all window coverings.
3) Disassemble the trampoline.
4) Disconnect any wired appliances we are moving. (TV's, computers, etc.)
5) Set aside anything they are not to pack in clearly marked space.

Uh!  Take everything off walls... means take everything off the walls and dust it all.  Take down all window coverings... wash all window coverings.  Disassemble it at last minute so daughter doesn't whine about being bored.  Disconnect everything...last minute! I can not live disconnected!!  Set aside things not moving.... pack bags for trip in advance, make sure all laundry is done. Ugh.  More things adding to my list of a million and one things already!

On a brighter note, I bought our tickets to fly out today.  They somehow were $50. bucks cheaper than when I originally looked at them, cha ching!  And I got to call my sister with all the info about picking us up when we get there! Yay!! She is really excited which makes me really excited!!  So I guess all the stress of packing will eventually even out!


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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Uh...Name Change!

How could I not change the name of this blog after looking at my last post?  It just fits better!  If you're confused, it was Her Blue Moon now it's California Girl to Georgia Peach!  Yay!  Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

California Girl to Georgia Peach??

Have I said yet that this might be a difficult move for me??  

I REALLY feel like a California Girl at heart...even though I was raised in Florida.  I LOVE California! -With all my heart! So you might ask "Why are you moving then?"  All of my family and my husbands family live in Florida and the older we get the more we are realizing that life is short and you should be near the ones you love.  My husband is retiring from the Marines so they are paying for our move, so what a better time?  It is just hard to leave a place that has touch my soul so!  And there is just a mentality of all acceptance and a place for everyone to find themselves here. I am not sure if I get that vibe from Georgia!  So I am a little bit scared!!  -Even though I do love to move and experience new places.  But I guess I have to think back to moving to Cali from the east coast six years ago.  I thought everyone would be blonde with big boobs and small waists!!  LOL  But how people can't say that people in California are the nicest ever, I have no idea. I love it here!!

So tell me...How do I go from being a California girl to a Georgia peach?? 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Movers Inspection

So the movers are coming to inventory the house so they know how much they will be moving for us. I think it took a half a semi last time... this time, probably about the same. Although the older you get, the more kids you have and the longer you have been married, the more you seem to acquire!

The first time we moved all of our things fit in one for those tiny 8 foot (If that) Uhaul trailers.  Good Lord, we couldn't even fit  a bedroom in one of those now!  Of course we didn't own a couch, or an entertainment center. I think we had 2 papasan chairs, a tv, a dresser and clothes and kitchen stuff.  Funny to think back on how far we have come and how much stuff we now "need" to live.

So... this is as good an opportunity as any to do a final sweep of all things for either a yard sale, give away, or  thrift shop run.   Because believe me, when the movers come they pack any and everything you have left out.  Even a junk drawer with tiny pencil nubs, and one piece of gum! -- Yes, I have gotten unpacking before and discovered such neat little treasures carefully wrapped in tissue paper! Nothing like a move to get you organized once again!  Kids aren't too incredibly thrilled though.  "Mom, I like EVERYTHING I have!"  Yeah, right!

C'est la Vie!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday Mantras

One of my favorite link ups... Monday Mantras!  Brought to us by A Cat Like Curiosity!  Click on the picture above and link up!

I am making todays about travel, as that is what this blog is about and what is on my mind!


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Booking Airfare - Oneway

So...Just my daughter and I are flying to Georgia, as my husband and son will be driving vehicles across country as the military no longer specifically pays for that luxury.   So I need two, one way air tickets.  I thought "Wow, this should be easy and non-stop!  Especially  going from San Diego to Atlanta, yay for no stops!"... WRONG!  I have to stop at least once or be charged an ungodly amount of money for non-stop!  Ugh!  Unless it is an emergency trip I can't see paying $500. or more dollars extra per ticket for non-stop.  Can you?  I mean, I don't have that kind of money laying around to just throw out for no reason!  So, it looks like we will be laying over in Denver, CO.  I've never been there, heard it is beautiful though.  Too bad I will only be seeing it from the air and airport!  So we will leave CA at around 6:30am and get to GA around 3:10pm near the beginning of February. (I don't want to giveo ut specific dates and times for privacy/ security reasons.) Not too bad I guess. Although I do get confused on the timezone and adding or minusing hours as we go...hum.

My daughter is 14 and she has flown with me before and it can be a challenge.  You would think the older the better, but she likes to peruse the plane, so to speak.  I swear the last time we went to Florida she went to the bathroom at least four times!!  And she got bored and hungry easily   So this time I guess I need to buy snacks at the terminal before getting on the plane?  I guess you can't take your own food still? Or is that wrong?

Do you have any tips for traveling with specific ages of children?  I know anything would help me, and would help others who are traveling with littler ones!  Thanks!

{My Blue Moon}

I am calling this blog "Her Blue Moon" because to me, a blue moon is something that only comes around once in a while.

I will start this blog with my "new" once in a blue moon.... I am moving across country!  I am moving from California to Georgia, and I have never been to the place I am moving!  It will be an anonymous city, well probably more like a town, compared to where I live in San Diego.  But it will be one thing.... it will be an adventure!  For me and my family.

I have no idea where this journey will take me, I mean, I know the actual place in the world... But I am talking about the destination of "me".  I will know only my sister and her family, and they just moved there themselves a month ago!  But this kind of move gives me energy!

I love change!  It makes anything possible, it makes everything possible!  So, stick around...  See where I end up!