Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday Mantras

One of my favorite blog links...Monday Mantras with A Cat Like Curiosity!  I love being inspired by all the things that inspire others!

Here are a few things I am feeling inspired by today!
State Charms!! Loving the California one front and center!  I want to order one for all the states we have lived in... FL, TN, NC, VA, CA.... So Cute!!

Infinity Scarves!!  I have recently acquired about 5!!  I can't help it...and really you can make any scarf into one if it's long enough by either tying it in a cute bow or sewing the ends together!

I am also finding tons of things on Pinterest..of course...that I want to do when I move!!  Love the colors and the "EAT" sign!  So easy and so cute!

  And a little love...♥


  1. I have a thing for scarves lately too! I love the aqua green colour of your pinterest pin and the Dalai Lama quote is just perfect.

    Thanks for linking up!

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

  2. Those state charms are adorable! I definitely need to get some of those. Just found your cute blog through the blog hop. I'm a new follower. Hope you'll stop by sometime!


  3. I looove those state necklaces...I might have to get one of those!

    New follower from the blog hop! Hope you stop by and follow me back!


  4. I love your entire blog. It has such a fresh lean feel to it. I too dropped in to visit from the blog hop and am now your newest follower.

    I hope you can drop over and follow back!

    Happy week!

  5. Fun accessories. Out of all of the states that you've lived in, which is your favorite?

  6. I'm really into infinity scarves right now too! I've nominated you for a blog award :) Feel free to participate if you'd like!
